Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It can be a battle when all you have to do is trust.
The questions lie within you, why should I?
It takes time.
You can't trust just anyone.
Yet what about the words, "Love always trusts?"
It should be so simple and it was meant to be.
Yet, time and time again others fail you and let you down.
You find it a struggle to believe the best.
No one has attained perfection.
Where is your hope?
It lies within no person.
Only One will never disappoint.
Continue to risk.
 For what is life if it is hidden in self-protection?
You can never live hiding from those who might hurt you.
So, here goes.
Take the step.
Choose to risk even though your flesh resists.
Choose to believe even when it hurts.
In this, you will discover true love.

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