Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Time To Fly...

After another day of disappointment, my heart hurts. Today, I realized that I need to take more risks. I thought I was a risk taker but it's time to risk even more. I have dreams in my heart, but it's time to stop being afraid. I am about to attempt a dream that has been in my heart for years. I don't see how it will be possible in such a short amount of time but, with God, the possibilities are endless. Lord please let this work. It's time for me to fly again. This time, I need to go it alone.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Artists' Self Promotion?

Lately, I've been asking a lot of questions to the Lord regarding this idea of artists' self-promotion. Is trying to sell your art self-promotion? How do you NOT promote yourself? Is it okay to promote yourself if you are an artist? If you have to promote yourself to get somewhere, what is the point? These are some of the questions rummaging through my head as of late. I don't feel we need to strive to promote ourselves to get places we would like to be.

I feel this tension between wanting people to enjoy what I have created as an artist and letting the Lord alone discover the treasures of my work. Yet, maybe some work is meant to be heard by others and some is only for Him. It's all for His glory anyway right? Yet, perhaps my personal convictions are different than others. Perhaps it's not okay for me and it's okay for someone else.

Honestly? I just long to be in the secret place. If someone discovers what I have written, so be it. If not, the Lord will provide for all my needs and He will get the glory. At the end of the day, I don't want to write songs so someone can give me money because it was a hit. I long for God to be revealed in it all! I long for people's lives to be changed. That's the point. Now in that, someone has to discover it somehow. How does that happen without self-promoting?

Whether I am singing just for Him or in front of others, He gets the glory. Let us not forget who this is all for anyway. Let's celebrate one another, exhort one another, but always in thankfulness to what the Lord has done. For He has done great things and He continues to do great things through us. What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It can be a battle when all you have to do is trust.
The questions lie within you, why should I?
It takes time.
You can't trust just anyone.
Yet what about the words, "Love always trusts?"
It should be so simple and it was meant to be.
Yet, time and time again others fail you and let you down.
You find it a struggle to believe the best.
No one has attained perfection.
Where is your hope?
It lies within no person.
Only One will never disappoint.
Continue to risk.
 For what is life if it is hidden in self-protection?
You can never live hiding from those who might hurt you.
So, here goes.
Take the step.
Choose to risk even though your flesh resists.
Choose to believe even when it hurts.
In this, you will discover true love.