Thursday, August 13, 2009

A New Season...

You can almost feel it. You know? When the seasons change? Autumn begins to roll in, the air changes, the leaves turn colors, and a crisp cool breeze begins to blow in. You know it's coming soon.

It's maybe right around the corner. One day, you'll wake up, and it's a new season. I have been feeling like that alot lately. The air is changing, it feels like a cool breeze is moving in and it's still in the dead heat of summer.

I am a guitar player, so it's important to keep my left hand fingernails very short. However, during my break that I had from leading worship, I let my fingernails grow. Oh how pretty they were! I had tons of fun and felt so much more feminine with long nails and clear nail polish. It was somewhat invigorating.

However, getting back into the swing of things, I have had to cut my left hand nails short again. For some reason, I couldn't cut the nails on my right hand. Why? They looked so nice and pretty, but today it all changed. I suddenly felt the urge to bite them all off and file them down. It felt good to have a fresh start you know? A new day.

When I go to see films I can't help but find prophetic significances in them most of the time. I just happened upon "500 Days of Summer" tonight and realized, at the end of it, the significance of the names in the film, such as: Summer and Autumn. Such names represented seasons of life!

The story was about a boy who discovers who he really is. Yet, while watching the movie, you almost get the sense that it's about a boy and a girl finding love, going through trials, but hopefully working it out. However, it doesn't end that way. Sorry to ruin it for you. He doesn't win the girl, or marry her off and live happily ever after.

Instead, he realizes that this girl: Summer, just wasn't "the one." He discovers his identity through these unfortunate circumstances and through a broken heart. He, in fact, only grows stronger and comes to a realization that he needs to go after his true dreams.

I could also totally relate to his cynicsism, at one point, throughout the film. After, his break up with the "love of his life," he was down with love. He hated everything about it and thought that all of his hopes of finding true love were only a myth.

Yet, in the end, he discovers that it's not that true love doesn't exist, it's just that the person he thought it would be with wasn't meant to be with him. My reality the past few years has been just that. What do I have to lose to be vulnerable for a moment?

Heart ache is hard and painful. In the midst of it, you feel as if you will never get over it. However, the season changes, and you realize that you will and your life will continue on. The truth is, "it just wasn't meant to be." Is that so hard to admit? This is sometimes a reality for someone's heart and, to be honest, there is a comfort which can be found in that statement.

Therefore, I feel as if it is a new season. At the end of this particular movie, he meets a girl named Autumn and the season changes for him. He begins to have hope again. This is where I am, not just regarding "true love," but in day to day life.

Perhaps regarding every dream I have ever had. There is hope. There is change. It's a new day and the old is gone and past away. THIS makes me smile and causes me to have a great expectation of what is to come.


Unknown said...

wow...thank you for sharing this! it ministers such encouragement and life to my spirit..i can totally relate! you just put words into what i have been feeling myself the last weeks and days...a new season is upon us, and behold, Jesus IS making all things new...all over the is literally a NEW DAY in time...this really blessed me right now. thank you.

Fern said...

No long nails with piano either... would get stuck in between keys :)

I LOVE this picture of you :) Was thinking about you today friend!

Love ya!