Friday, December 25, 2009

The Lion of Judah

I see a King in all His Glory
And He dwells in Magnificence.

I see a Man Who reigns forever
And He dwells in Holiness.

They call Him the Son.
They call Him the Lamb.
They call Him Emmanuel.

They call Him the One.
And The Great I Am.
They call Him the Lion of Judah.

He is roaring.
He is roaring.
He is roaring.
For the nations.

He is roaring.
He is roaring.
He is roaring
For His people.

For a people who will call Him their own.

He was slain as a Lamb,
But He's returning as a Lion.
He shall return as the Lion of Judah.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas in Bama, December 2009

So we surprised my mom with a photo shoot! Every year, she always talks about how nice it would be to have a nice photo of all of her children and granchildren. With the exception of my nephew Austin who was out of town, we all got together. It was an absolute miracle!

We even made it to our destination at the same time all in different cars!  What an event it was.  However, I think Mom was happy. Here are just a few pictures of our family. Hope you are well. Blessings and Merry Christmas everyone!